Case Studies


Case Study 1 - Telford (January 2019)

Key Support Services are pleased to announce the commencement of our new site in Hortonwood. Once all the data had been collated from our site survey, we developed a bespoke cleaning package, presented with a breakdown of costs and specifications. Our Proposal was clear and transparent, emulating what the client was seeking with the day of contract commencement running very smoothly. The preceding contract holder did not support staff members in their roles, so we have provided training and on-going support for these reliable and competent operatives in order to ensure our high level of service is maintained.

Case Study 2 - Wolverhampton (February 2019)

Our new client in the Wolverhampton area was experiencing continued problems regarding their outsourced cleaning provision. The main problem being that an out of area contractor had been appointed by a consultant. The contractor’s lack of knowledge of the local area presented huge recruitment difficulties, which included operatives being recruited that were not local to the site.  This resulted in the vast majority of the weekly service hours not being completed, and pressure on a local operative to complete service hours she was not originally recruited to perform.  Any new operatives were sent to site with no support or formal training. Key Support Services were able to step in, at less than a week’s notice, to provide the necessary services solutions. Initially operatives were utilised from our other sites within a close proximity of the area. These operatives were fully trained and able to raise the standards of the site immediately and significantly. This enabled us to spend time recruiting and training quality staff who were local to the area. Key Support Services adapted quickly to the requirements of our client, implementing an operations strategy that reduced the overall costs of the service, whilst maintaining our very high standards.    

Case Study 3 - Shrewsbury (March 2019)

Our new site based in Shrewsbury, was experiencing huge problems with their out of area cleaning service provider. Cleaning Operatives were never visited or supported by any member of their management team and were completely left to their own devices and not working to any structured schedule. The initial site quality audit score was a very low 52% and after operating this site for just one week we managed to raise the audit score to over 85%. Client satisfaction has significantly increased through greater transparency and collaborative working and we endeavour to achieve an audit score above 90% within our first month of service.

Case Study 4 - Birmingham (April 2019)

Key Support Services began operations at their new site in Birmingham recently. The client was happy with the incumbent cleaning team in general and the standards achieved, however they had great concerns regarding elements of their service provider. On appointment of a new facilities manager who conducted a supplier questionnaire, it became clear the previous service provider had provided no evidence of any compliance including insurance documentation. Key Support Services is an accredited ISO9001 professional service provider, ensuring all documentation is complete and up to date. After completing an audit of the site, we were able to greatly reduce the original service hours and still perform an effective and managed service; significantly reducing costs for our new client. From the start the TUPE information provided by the out-going company was very poor as well as inaccurate and incomplete. Key Support Service’s robust implementation plan and transfer policies ensured a smooth transition  including full legal compliance.

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